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Does Testosterone Make You Stronger?

Does Testosterone Build Strength

Everybody has heard of testosterone; it’s known as the manly hormone for many, but it’s much more than that. To say that the complexity of testosterone stops at gender is a massive oversimplification. 

This happens oftentimes because people tend to associate strength and aggression with manliness. While the fact that they’re missing the mark is a conversation for another time, they do raise an interesting question. Does testosterone boost a person’s strength?

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone found in both humans and other animals that affects muscle mass and, for males, influences sperm count.  Testosterone is primarily located in a male’s testicles, but for a woman, it is located in the ovaries. 

It is worth mentioning, however, that female testosterone levels are, on average, incredibly low. People develop testosterone while undergoing puberty. 

Testosterone levels may begin to diminish once someone hits the age of 30. Also, not only does it increase sperm count in men, but it also impacts red blood cell production, mood, and the way that their body stores fat.

How Does Testosterone Build Strength?

Though testosterone is mainly known for how it grows reproductive tissue, it also builds on secondary sexual characteristics. These include the following:

  • Muscle growth 
  • Increased bone mass
  • Body hair growth

Can You Have Too Much Testosterone?

Men don’t typically have too much testosterone. The circumstances in which this is a problem aren’t all that common. Most people tend to believe otherwise due in large part to behaviors like road rage, fighting, or sexual promiscuity.

Oftentimes it’s difficult to say what constitutes a normal testosterone level. This is especially true when trying to make sense of the ratio between normal testosterone levels and acceptable behavior. 

This is in large part since blood levels vary the amount of a person’s testosterone throughout the day. Not only that, but some of these behaviors in question may not even have to do with testosterone levels. 

It is also worth mentioning that most of the stereotypical behaviors associated with high testosterone come from male athletes; these athletes use anabolic steroids, testosterone, and other substances to become stronger and perform with enhanced ability.

Some problems associated with high levels of testosterone may include the following:

  • Low sperm count
  • Shrunken genitalia
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Issues releasing fluid
  • Sexual impotence
  • Heart issues
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Liver disease

Additionally, some physical symptoms can include:

  • Swollen legs
  • Swollen feet
  • Fluid in legs and feet
  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Increased appetite
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Blood clots
  • Aggression
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Delusion

Can Women Have High Testosterone?

Women can have high testosterone levels. What causes this to happen is a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a common occurrence in women and affects nearly 10% of those in premenopause.

When a woman has PCOS, her ovaries will have cysts. Ovarian cysts are quite painful and can cause menstrual irregularity, irregular evacuation of the bowels, and painful sex. Oftentimes, ovarian cysts will go away on their own; however, for those with PCOS (caused by high testosterone), there are multiple cysts on the ovaries, not just one. 

High testosterone levels in women don’t just cause PCOS. Women who suffer from high testosterone could experience fertility issues, hair on the face, excess hair on the pubic area, thick skin, and weight gain. 

Some women have even reported depression or anxiety. In addition to all of this, women with high testosterone levels also experience diminished breast size and deepening of their voices.

low on Testosterone

What Happens When You Don’t Have Much Testosterone?

There have been a broad number of studies completed over the past few years on low testosterone. Researchers have been wanting to get to the bottom of what happens to young men when testosterone levels are low. 

This is due in part to the fact that as men age, their testosterone levels drop; they don’t drop by much, but it’s enough to drop by 40-60% for 40 years (1-2% each year).

So why does this happen? As a man ages, the testes yield less and less testosterone. Not only that, but the signals sent from the pituitary glands tell the testes to produce more of a sex hormone-binding protein.

How Do I Know If I Have Low Testosterone?

You may have low testosterone if you experience the following:

  • Reduced body hair
  • Reduced facial hair
  • Low muscle mass
  • Low sex drive
  • Impotence
  • Small testicles
  • Infertility
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Hot flashes
  • Depression
  • Lack of focus
  • Weak bones

When a man has low testosterone, it can be frustrating for them to function. However, there are options and opportunities to increase their testosterone. These options have all to do with testosterone replacement therapy. Some of those who experience testosterone replacement therapy come out with increased bone strength and reduced risk of fracturing or breaking bones.

When a woman suffers from low testosterone it can also be frustrating. This may come as a shock to many people, as increased testosterone would seem like something only men would want. 

However, when a woman experiences reduced testosterone production, as little production as that may be, they could also experience unpleasant symptoms. Some of these symptoms are similar to that of a man; they include the following:

  • Low sex drive
  • Lack of focus
  • Weak bones
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

How Does Testosterone Help?

Testosterone has a variety of functions in the human body. For example, androgens (sex hormones) promote protein synthesis. This could improve the maturity of sexual organs, beard or facial hair growth, voice deepening, etc. 

Some of the more anabolic impacts may have included muscle growth, strength, strengthened bones, and overall body growth. When a person has high levels of testosterone, they’re more inclined to build muscle easier. Not only that, but it also helps build strength. 

However, it is worth mentioning that without actual exercise, someone with high testosterone may not gain all that much muscle. To get body-building-like results, an increase in testosterone must be coupled with hard work and exercise. 

What are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids are substances that are used to stimulate muscle growth and strength by increasing testosterone production. This may sound familiar, such as practices like taking injections. People do this to increase their strength and perform better and achieve their goals.

In particular, androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) are substances that are related to the cyclic steroid ring system. This type of system induces effects similar to that of higher testosterone levels in the body. By doing this, a person increases the growth of their muscles as well as the strength of their muscles, bones, and body. 

How Do I Boost Testosterone Naturally?

Many people aren’t aware that there are basic foods that reduce estrogen levels. Some of these foods could be vegetables that contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This particular vitamin reduces male estrogen levels by 50%. By reducing estrogen levels, the body is maintaining testosterone levels.

While it’s easy to say, “just eat vegetables with I3C”, it’s difficult when you don’t know where those can be found. Some of these vegetables include the following:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Turnips
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Mustard
  • Rutabagas
  • Collards

Boosting testosterone naturally, for some, may prove to be quite difficult. While testosterone-boosting steroids exist, it is often difficult for individuals to commit to increasing their levels this way. 

This is why some people want to know how to increase their testosterone levels naturally rather than doing testosterone replacement or steroids. After all, boosting testosterone levels naturally is much safer than injecting oneself with substances.

Some other ways to naturally boost testosterone may include the following:

  • Reduce stress
  • Get an adequate amount of rest
  • Be sexually active

Reduce Stress

The body reacts to stress in ways that diminish one’s overall well-being. When a person is stressed out, the body produces cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone in the adrenal glands. This directly interferes with the production of testosterone. Ironically, sometimes stress can come as a result of overworking oneself. In addition to this, cortisol release can increase appetite which could lead to overeating. When a person overeats, it may result in developing excess belly fat. 

Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep

Low testosterone sometimes can be associated with a person not taking care of their body and mind. Sometimes this happens as a result of a loss of sleep. 

In some studies, experts have concluded that men who sleep less than 5 hours reduce their testosterone levels by 10-15%. Men can develop more testosterone if they get anywhere between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 

Be Sexually Active

By keeping sexual organs active, the production of testosterone increases; this is due in large part to testosterone being a hormone produced by sexual organs. Professional studies have shown that 10% of the time, low testosterone levels are linked directly to decreased sexual activity. Not only that but it’s also linked to decreased sex drive.

Don’t Keep Waiting – Boost Your Levels Today

Testosterone is an important component of overall function in the body. Whether a person decides to increase their testosterone levels naturally, or use steroids, the levels must be replenished. This will not just help increase muscle mass and strength, but also overall body function. If you’d like to find out more, contact CA Hormones here.

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